Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Roofing

When is the best time to replace your roof?
For many homeowners in East Texas, the main question we get here at 1845RM is, “When is the best time to replace my roof?”. And while many homeowners perform a roof replacement during the late summer and fall months, that doesn’t mean that another time of the year isn’t just as good! The pros at 1845RM will walk you through season by season and the pros and cons of replacing the roof on your East Texas home.
Pro Tip: The pros at 1845RM recommend Spring to be the ideal time of year for a roof replacement. This is because when installing Asphalt shingles, temperatures need to be above 40°F for the sealing to adhere.
December, January, February
While we may live in East Texas where snowy mountain caps are nowhere in sight, Winter can be whimsical no matter where you call home. However, with the whimsey of Winter comes large bouts of snow and ice. And while beautiful, snow and ice can cause extensive damages from unpredictable weather conditions. Replacing your roof during the winter months becomes problematic when temperatures drop below 40°F. When 1845RM sends out our certified contractors to replace the asphalt shingles on your roof, the thermal sealing needs to be above that threshold in order to be properly set. While usually this process only takes a short period of time during other seasons, during the winter months this process could take days to weeks for completion. By installing your new roof during the winter months you could face cracking or breaking of the shingles during installation. If Winter seems to be the only chance you have available for a roof replacement, 1845RM is highly qualified to get the job done, right! Shingles are stored in a warm environment and are quickly applied by our certified roofing contractors with industry-specialized tools, sealing just as well as shingles that are applied during the fall, spring, or summer months.
September, October, November
Fall breeze and autumn leaves, who doesn’t love the smell of crisp, cool fall air? When you type into Google, “When is the best time of year to replace my roof?” you will see that Fall is the first at the top of the list. Why is fall one of the more popular seasons for roof replacement and repair? Simply, it’s cool outside, the weather is generally stable, and with the upcoming winter months approaching many homeowners start to think about what may happen to their roofs when it does begin to snow or ice over. Since temperatures are usually between 45°F and 85°F with a low chance of rain or storms, fall gives your shingles time to set, and seal properly. However, it is important to note that replacing your roof during the fall months can have an impact on roof replacement availability. Fall is known to be a popular time of year for roof repair and replacement here at 1845RM, and we highly encourage our clients to plan at least two months in advance for a project this size.
Pro Tip: With overall cooler temperatures, our certified roofers here at 1845RM are able to work longer days! Helping you get your project finished in record time. If your fall is the best time for you, it’s the best time for us too.
June, July, August
Summer is another season that is highly desired for roof repair or replacement in the East Texas region. At 1845RM, we tend to see an uprise in roof replacements closer to the start of summer. This is mostly because much of the rain has stopped, and the extreme Texas heat and humidity have yet to set in. Making early summer a more desirable time for a roof replacement for not only you but for our certified roofing contractors as well. However, we do tend to notice a significant increase during this time for appointments, roofing inspections, and complete roof replacements. If you find that your project is pushed too far back into the late summer months, you will be looking at replacing your roof during the hottest time of the year (and by far the most undesirable). The extreme heat can not only impact working conditions, but also the efficiency of the materials being used.
Pro Tip: From the time you book your complimentary roofing consultation with us here at 1845RM, until the time our certified contractors have their boots on your roof, could be significantly longer compared to other seasons. It’s important to get a head start if you want to complete your project before Summer ends!
March, April, May
Spring cleaning anyone? Maybe it’s the warm Texas weather or the beautiful shades of bluebonnets blooming across our East Texas pastures but the thought of Spring brings out the project bug in all of us. If you have lived in East Texas for any period of time, you know that our winters are harsh not just on us, but our roofs too. With heavy ice and snow accumulations adding unsupported weight to your roofing structure, now may be the perfect time to add a roof replacement to your list of “Honey-Do’s”. Why would you want to replace your roof in the Spring? It’s simple science!
- Lower humidity levels (this is a BIG factor for us Texans)
- Flexible schedule
- Desirable temperatures
While replacing your roof during the Spring is becoming more popular, homeowners should plan for unpredictable spring showers. These short-lived showers can hinder the project for a short period of time. However, at 1845RM, we know how to accommodate the changing weather conditions. Our crew of certified roofing experts will come prepared with a backup plan.
Pro Tip: When winter can be too cold, summer too hot, and fall too busy with roof replacements, many homeowners in East Texas, and all over the country have started to plan to replace their roofs during this popular season!
Open all year round to provide you with peace of mind, no matter the season.
With 1845RM, you can expect to receive the highest quality service, products, and materials on the market. Our expert team of certified roofing contractors are trained to work with any obstacle that comes your way. From roof repairs or replacements, our dedicated team of professionals here at 1845RM are proud to be serving our East Texas and surrounding area communities with quality roofing for years to come. Get your complimentary roof assessment, and let the pros at 1845RM take care of you.